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The defeat of a bill to outlaw explicitly abortion on the grounds of gender is a turning point in British politics. It shows just how fundamentalist the pro-abortion Left has become.

On February 23, Parliament debated an amendment to the Serious Crimes Bill that would have explicitly outlawed abortion on the grounds of gender. It was defeated 291 votes to 201. The result was a surprise. In November 2014, the House discussed the amendment and voted in favour of it by 181 votes to 1. When MPs returned to debate it again three months later, there was broad consensus across the Commons that terminating a pregnancy simply because the foetus is male or female is an abhorrent thing to do. Indeed it is already technically illegal: all the amendment would have done was make that fact explicit so that the law could not be creatively interpreted otherwise. Given how modest the amendment was, its sudden defeat was very strange indeed. Especially when one considers the number of self-described feminist MPs who opposed it.

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